About Us

The Left Brain name has come to mean quality and innovation in movie making. Never mind mundane video offerings for back-room pencil-pushing geeks ... Left Brain films are smart, slick, and so far ahead of their time that they're well worth the outrageous prices we demand for them.

Our award-winning products filems include Ever a Time, The Alphabet Thief, How to Cook for Forty Humans, plus other amazing stories that are so secret, if we told you about them we'd then have to swear you to secrecy and degauss your hard drive.

The biggest actors all over the world practically flock to our door to have their most ferocious theatrical challenges turned into purring pussycats by the boy brainiacs and girl geniuses on our staff.

The Left Brain laboratory is located in Sasquatch Falls, Washington (the state whose rich negative ion levels (spawned by high annual rainfall levels) and scenic ocean views seem to inspire filmgeeks and movienerds to awesome levels of productivity ... not that their studios actually have a window, or view of any kind).

The lab is presided over by the legendary Dr. Murry Duchance, PhD, winner of the 1995 Nobel Prize in Physics, 1996 National Science Foundation gold medal, 1997 Thomas Alva Edison Prize, and the 1998 Grammy Award for best new rap album.

But Dr. Duchance is only one of our many bright stars. With so many unmitigated geniuses on the payroll, often stumbling over one another, Left Brain likes to get them out of the office from time to time (otherwise they might forget how to tie their shoelaces, and perform other simple social functions that the rest of us take for granted).

Ever a Time

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