
This page is an online resource for Fleming College's Dreamweaver MX Course. This is a 30 hour course (split over 10 weeks) that is held at the Brealey campus in Peterborough. This course teaches students how to work efficiently with Dreamweaver software, as well as maintain valid and accessible code. This course is a continuing education course that can work towards Fleming's Web Site Design Certificate. Fleming also offers courses in more advanced web design and other web-related subjects. The course calendar for this course can be found on this site as well.

The class running Sept. - Nov. 2006, is instructed by myself, Jennifer Dungan. You can contact me via my Fleming account at jdungan@flemingc.on.ca. You can also visit my site at www.jenniferdungan.com

If you would like to try Dreamweaver, see Adobe.com for a 30-day trial of the software, or you can purchase the educational version of the software at the Fleming bookstore or at Adobe's Education Store.

Assignments & Quizzes



Class Notes

Online Resources



Articles of Interest

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